Non-surgical Management: Observation & Radiation
Observation: Indications (When to observe?)
- Patients with no symptoms (“incidental meningiomas”) of all ages
- Patients with mild symptoms in the elderly or those patients with serious medical conditions in whom surgery carries a significant risks.
- Patients with a long history of mild or non-progressive symptoms with tumors in the “high risk” location (e.g. hearing loss on one side)
- Patients who strongly oppose surgery after thorough counselling
Radiation: Indications (When to radiate?)
- Patients who have residual tumors with documented growth, or with malignant tumor histology (i.e. WHO Grade III)
- Patients with nonoperated tumors or recurrence not amenable to safe surgery (due to the patient’s medical condition, tumor location, or age)
- Patients who strongly favor radiation over surgery after thorough discussion of all treatment options
- Conventional radiation (or IMRT – ‘intensity modulated radiation therapy”) for patients with tumor size greater than 3-4 cm
- Radiosurgery (“Gamma Knife Radiosurgery” or “Cyber Knife Radiosurgery”) for patients with tumor size less than 3 cm