Personal Request to Readers from Dr. Joung H. Lee

I just do not feel “right” to be charging any money for this Handbook as it represents a final product from labor of love – for neurosurgery, my patients and the topic of meningioma – motivated by a strong sense of indebtedness and appreciation to all of my former patients for everything they taught me.

As you read this Handbook, please take a moment to thank those who came before you, without whom this Handbook and the improved care I am now able to provide today would not be possible.

Rather than “purchasing”, which would greatly cheapen the true value of their individual contributions to my neurosurgical “education and training”, you may download this entire handbook (or any part of it) in any of the following 4 ways:

  • Making a “Special Offering of Thanks” to your church in any amount,
  • Making a donation to any charitable organization of your choice,
  • Sharing the link for this Handbook ( with any friends, relatives or acquaintances with meningioma who can benefit from it,
  • Making a donation, in any amount, to our non-profit foundation, “Equal Care Foundation”, which helps to provide the same world-class neurosurgical care to all patients regardless of their financial ability or background(Pay to the order of “Equal Care Foundation”).
    Equal Care Foundation
    c/o Valley Neurosurgical Institute
    501 South Buena Vista Street,
    Burbank, CA  91505

With best wishes for your winning the battle with meningioma,

Joung H. Lee, M.D.
President, Valley Neurosurgical Institute &
Co-Director, Hollywood Presbyterian Neuroscience Institute

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